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Vox Furniture Arab Emirates

Vox Furniture

A shopify e-commerce platform

The main objective of this project was to re-build existent Vox Furniture website targeted for Arab Emirates region and provide a better UI/UX and functionality capabilities which could in fully reflect the power of brand and increase the furniture sales. 

Navigation & Homepage

The accent was set on the navigation which provides - quick and easy access to categories and subcategories represented by the mega-dropdown menu. Homepage wise always represents the hot sales and offers at the moment and a quick overview of products from different categories.

Stackable components

The whole page concept is based on a stackable set of blocks, that admins can add or remove, making the shopify site-building concept relatively simple to manage. With only few clicks you decide wherever you want to add a video block, a promotional block or simply a set of products to be displayed by category name. The blocks are capable to auto-pull automatically or relevant products information in a grid view, carousel etc.

Product detail page

The shopify product detail page is a minimal one which displays the gallery widget with an easy on hover zoom-in product image preview. A very clear call to action buttons wherever to buy it now or add to card, showing straight the required actions and conversion points. The product detail page is also accompanied by related products and recently viewed widgets.

Mobile experience